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How to dump wan dhcpv6 options from isp router to get ipv6 working


Hi everyone, I am trying to get dhcpv6 to work (my isp just switched me to cgnat... )

I've been following this tutorial: https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/how-tos/sfr_red_fr_ftth.html with success regarding ipv4 but for some reason, ipv6 is broken.

I'd like to confirm I am sending the right options by dumping dhcpv6 communication from the isp router.

I tried using `tcpdump -i eth0 udp port 546 or 547 -n -vv ` on OPNsense , I am seeing some handshake but nothing regarding options.

I'll try later with Wireshark by plugging the isp router directly to a Linux machine.

Is there anything I am missing? Why isn't tcdump showing me the sent options?

I have not ever played with ipv6, I see that I am receiving two ipv6 dns address and that's it.



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