I have several apps that fail to setup video. Audio typically works. What'sApp and FaceTime are the main offenders. Zoom seems to be fine. Has anyone had experience with this? Any fixes? This feels like a similar issue to SIP back in the day where the media portion of the call is not setting up properly as there is no proxy. But every consumer cheapo router works with these protocols, so I am sure OPNSense can as well. I'm on 21.1.8 FWIW. Thoughts?
Network plan wise, there isn't much to it. NAT wise, it is the default out of the box NAT. It is set to hybrid NAT for a Wireguard tunnel, but this all goes through the primary NAT through the primary gateway created out of the box. The traffic originates on the out of the box LAN too. Screenshots here: https://imgur.com/a/t7RDOun