One tip regarding Port Forwarding. You forward to “INTERNAL NET”, which resembles the whole INTERNAL subnet.I think what you are after, is to redirect to the firewall even if a host in that segment has a different DNS server configured, right? In that case, you need to replace ‘INTERNAL net’ by INTERNAL address’.
The rules on DMZ, IOT and GUEST pointing to the interface address, are they intended to provide services like DNS and NTP, assuming you have configured servers as part of the DHCP configuration?
I'd eventually like internal clients to be able to use other internal DNS servers (besides the router itself). I just don't want them to use external ones.
Good point. Normally addresses on the same net don't need routing so I thought that just one rule with destination "!INTERNAL net" would limit DMZ, IOT and GUEST access only to their own net and to the internet. However, it turns out, this also kills access to their net gateway, so I had to specifically enable that. Same as above, I could use "This Firewall" instead of the interface address to make it clearer.
I don’t think floating rules will achieve much more than your current method of using a group.