ipfw pipe flush
Hi,It doesn't delete the unused pipes, if you want to delete all run this on a console:Code: [Select]ipfw pipe flushAnd reload the traffic shaper.The file editor is not going to be in OPNsense, we deleted it for security reasons.Regards,Ad
ipfw pipe show
Can you share the output of Code: [Select]ipfw pipe showand a screenshot of your configured pipes?
curl -o /usr/local/opnsense/mvc/app/models/OPNsense/TrafficShaper/TrafficShaper.xml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opnsense/core/master/src/opnsense/mvc/app/models/OPNsense/TrafficShaper/TrafficShaper.xml
Then I understand, your suffering from this https://github.com/opnsense/core/issues/762, which will be fixed in the next release.You can download the fixed file upfront, by using this:Code: [Select]curl -o /usr/local/opnsense/mvc/app/models/OPNsense/TrafficShaper/TrafficShaper.xml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opnsense/core/master/src/opnsense/mvc/app/models/OPNsense/TrafficShaper/TrafficShaper.xml