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Quote from: KlausP on January 26, 2021, 09:28:15 amHow will be the communication between the centralized administration opnsense and the other opnsenses when I place a centralized device to internet? Is there e.g. a cyclic polling of configuration possible or do I need a direct reachability from the central device to satelites or can I use a VPN wich is started from the satelite to the central instance?I need that information too.Can central administration be done without a public ip at the clients?
How will be the communication between the centralized administration opnsense and the other opnsenses when I place a centralized device to internet? Is there e.g. a cyclic polling of configuration possible or do I need a direct reachability from the central device to satelites or can I use a VPN wich is started from the satelite to the central instance?