[SOLVED] Web Filtering

Started by RobbieBott, January 26, 2016, 07:19:57 AM

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January 26, 2016, 07:19:57 AM Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 08:52:21 PM by franco
I am completely new to opnsense I am looking for a Sophos UTM alternative considering they have completely screwed up their latest offering with the release of SFOS. UTM version 9 is still great but I'm sure will be going 6ft under here shortly.

I don't see a web filter in version 15 (am I missing it?), Will version 16 have a web filter?

You can use squid to filter out bad hosts (ads, malware).
Pasting a list in "Access Control Lists" works, but it's picky as in each line needs to end with a comma.
There is also a "Remote Access Control Lists" feature in squid, but I have no idea which list formats it accepts.
Supposedly, lists like these should work: http://dsi.ut-capitole.fr/blacklists/download/

How do I get squid installed? Then will it be configured through the opnsence GUI or through some other way? In pfsense it has a package area to install that however I do not see that in version 15, is the "plugins" coming in 16 going to be like "packages" in pfsence?

Hi RobbieBott,

The proxy (squid) is installed by default and can be managed using the gui, just go to services->proxy server.



Quote from: RobbieBott on January 27, 2016, 07:14:51 PM
is the "plugins" coming in 16 going to be like "packages" in pfsence?

Exactly. Since FreeBSD has always had binary packages we decided to call the actual GUI-enhanced packages "plugins" to avoid the confusion.

Squid proxy, Suricata IPS and OpenVPN client export are already embedded into our the default version.

hello !!!!

Can t we have a tutorial web proxy filter configuration for the vesion 16.1

Thank you very much for your work


We need tutorial for squid because i never be successful on squid proxy blocks with opnSense ?

I agree, docs on this will follow soon.

Can you share with us at least ? For Squid block section ? and exactly example ?

@Franco, i have here OPNsense 16.1.5 running.
But on the "Edit Blacklist" Screen i don't see the field "categories" as in the How To.

@DokuKäfer the categories will be in 16.1.6, the current dev version contains all code for it. sorry about the confusion here.