WAN VLAN with static IP

Started by systoor, October 20, 2020, 09:38:11 AM

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October 20, 2020, 09:38:11 AM Last Edit: October 20, 2020, 09:41:44 AM by systoor
after my netgear switch leave me alone, I decided to upgrade my settings from:
INTERNET ---> netgear GS110TP for optic/lan conversion with vlan ---> pfsense
INTERNET ---> optic/lan converter ---> opnsense

soon I'll order a supermicro board to manage everything, but luckily my isp gave me a backup converter, so I can still manage to have a connection.

I followed some instructions and so on, but nothing work so far  :-[

I found this old topic https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=9837.0 but after creating the vlan gateway is still offline  >:(

my current firewall has re0 re1 (both unused for now) re2 (WAN) and re3 (PC)

so far I did:
I created a vlan 1002 on re2
I created a gateway with the address my isp give me
I assigned re2_vlan1002 to WAN interface and set it as static IP with my IP and assigned the gateway created

I hope to find a solution  ::)