Is IPv6 really this high-maintainence? What am I missing?

Started by CloudHoppingFlowerChild, October 07, 2020, 06:24:47 AM

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Nothing listens on link-local addresses which means I have to manually update configurations in the event of a new Delegated Prefix. It's not frequent but in the event of an ISP outage or extended power outage I have to update addresses used for NTP, DNS, DHCP, and Router Advertisements. God help me once I have to start putting IPv6 addresses into firewall rules.

Unbound and Pi-Hole both don't listen on link local addresses
Windows can w32tm /stripchart the link local address on my NTP appliance but it won't actually use it as a time source.
I can't use OPNsense's NTPd link local as a time source and it can't use link local IPs as a server.

Does everyone do this manually or am I a sucker?

It's your ISP who is being stingy. Their allocation is likely enough to give every subscriber fixed IPv6 /56 or even /48 ranges  as quite a few do.

If you're lucky enough to have multiple providers, contact your current one about a fixed range or vote with your feet.


I'm new here, reading about OPNsense in hopes of finding a solution to the same issue. Cox Cable swaps the delegated prefix every few weeks with no option of keeping your old one. Can't go elsewhere as Cox is the best local provider.

My hope is that OPNsense will support both Prefix Delegation and ULA addressing but I haven't located that information yet. The static locally rout-able addresses will solve your pi-hole and ntp server's ever changing address issues if it works here.

It kinda works on the platform I'm on now but a reboot fouls everything up due to a bug they aren't intending to fix. Their only suggestion is to use a tunnel-broker for the IP v6 connection which isn't something I want to do.

If you find something before I do please post it!