Disable automatic replies in Postfix / rspamd

Started by His.Dudeness, September 14, 2020, 08:59:36 AM

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I use my OPNsense box with the postfix and rspamd plugin as email relay for incoming mails.

If it rejects a message as spam, it sends a reply to the sender.  Is it possible to disable that reply?

The problem is, that I forward some of my old free mail accounts to my OPNSense relay and if one of those mails is rejected, OPNsense sends a reply to my free mailer and they send a reply back, that they cannot forward my
message. :o

So for every spam mail that comes over my free mail accounts and gets blocked by OPNsense, I get a notification as reply that my "rejected as spam" reply could not be delivered  :-\

Is there a way to disable those "rejected as spam" replies in the first place?


This is not a email, it's happening in the SMTP dialog and rejects the mail.
It's usual behvior ...

September 14, 2020, 10:20:19 AM #2 Last Edit: September 14, 2020, 10:32:45 AM by Fright
imo 2 choices:
- stop rejecting spam (delete/discard or skip (with or without message modifications))
- whitelist your "old free account"

Ok, you might be right.  ::)

I think I misinterpreted the notification email.
It actually seams to be coming from my freemail provider telling me that messeage it tried to forward to my OPNsense and that got rejected (because it was spam) could not be delivered.
And because of the forwarding rule that notification message gets also forwarded.  :o

Crazy email magic..

So I think I have to filter out those status mails when they arrive and I'll be fine

Thanks !  :-)
