How to force MTU on PPPoE interface

Started by hushcoden, July 20, 2020, 09:27:53 PM

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I'd like to test MTU=1500 on my PPPoE interface, but if I enter the value on 'interfaces' -> 'wan' -> MTU and saving it doesn't actually change it (still 1492): is there a way perhaps through CLI to force the value to 1500?


Haven't done it myself but this thread from when RFC 4638 support was added to OPNsense should give you something to try:

If I recall correctly you actually have to input the oversize MTU of 1508 to reach the 1500 MTU?


PS: Now I remember 8 byte is the PPPoE header that needs to be subtracted anyway ;)

Thank you both, with 1508 it works  8)