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Installing a BSD package (from source?) - JQ


Hi, I would like to install jq - the json parsing utility - onto my opnsense box, as it would allow me to process various JSON data sources found therein. It seems it's not in the package repositories provided by OPN sense, so I guess I have to somehow build it manually. How would I go about that? Could I request that this tool be added to a future version of opnsense repositories?

JQ is here: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/ and is common in linux distributions. There seem to be some FreeBSD sources for it and a contemporary port as well.


You go to github tools repo, open an issue for adding textproc/jq :)
If it doesn't get accepted install a FreeBSD 11.2 with amd64 (if you use 64 bit) and fetch the build tools:

Then you can build your own compatible pkg.

You can also build it directly on OPNsense as it is shipping all the required tools or has them in the repository.


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