allow 88-65535 x.x.x.x/24 2000-65535
After that you only need to add each device to outbound nat with a static port.
Thanks for the replyssamsonmcnulty thanks I understand what your saying now OPNsense would randomize the outbound port however it can be set to static so I would use whichever port number the application requested.I'm 100% certain this is what I did when using pfSense it was locked down with an alias list, ACL and firewall rules.It worked perfectly but only for one machine at a time.It appears the fix to MiniUPnP has been merged and so should be available in the next release. assume the UPnP plugin is MiniUPnP and OPENsense uses the FreeBSD Packet Filter so the issue wo8uld affect it just the same as pfSense?Does anyone run multiple PC/Game consoles at home who connect to the same online games simultaneously? Can anyone confirm if this just works out the box?
What settings did you change in the NAT reflection? I too am having issues with getting UPnP to work correctly all the time. Thanks.