OpenVPN disconnects 2FA

Started by hypemedia, June 18, 2020, 10:02:50 AM

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June 18, 2020, 10:02:50 AM Last Edit: June 18, 2020, 12:25:40 PM by hypemedia
I have the following problem:
I have configured the OpenVPN server with 2FA via Google Authenticator. The problem is that the connexion after some time it drops and because of the 2FA never reconnects back.

On the openvpn site got over an article that says to increase some values of the server:

vpn.server.inactive_expire 99999
vpn.server.session_expire 86400
vpn.server.session_ip_lock false

I am not sure if the variable are correct for Opnsense. I have added the values to advanced configuration but after adding the info is not working anymore. Any suggestions on a config that it will work?


On opnsense:
VPN -> OpenVPN -> Servers -> <your server> -> increase "Renegotiate time"

On client, .ovpn file, add or increase line
reneg-sec 36000

Indeed, there was a similar thread some weeks ago.
Maybe for further information:
i am not an expert... just trying to help...