FireHOL Block List ( Botnets, Attacks, Malware....)

Started by yeraycito, June 08, 2020, 06:46:36 PM

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July 26, 2020, 05:24:04 PM #30 Last Edit: July 26, 2020, 05:34:02 PM by hushcoden
I've the WAN rules (attached) which I reckon I don't have to change/amend and I have rules (the same) for LAN and LAN2 (also attached).

If I want to consolidate the LAN and LAN2 rules by creating just one set of rules in 'Floating', can I do so by seelcting in 'Interface' both LAN and LAN2 and in Source 'any' ?

New to opnsense, but I assume these FireHOL rules need to be moved to the top of the lists for both LAN and WAN?

Currently I have my GeoIP rules at the top, any concern there?


Quote from: guyp2k on August 01, 2020, 04:31:42 AM
New to opnsense, but I assume these FireHOL rules need to be moved to the top of the lists for both LAN and WAN?

Currently I have my GeoIP rules at the top, any concern there?


Effectively, that's right.

I've found out that I have an issue with the update of Spamhaus EDROP: I've set up two aliases (see picture) DROP and EDROP which are identical apart from the link (of course), and when I check the log (also attached) I can see that while DROP is updated once a day, EDROP is not and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong for the life of me...


Those lists don't seem to be updated every day. You can see it by accessing from the browser (modification dates - expiration dates):


       ; Spamhaus EDROP List 2020/08/04 - (c) 2020 The Spamhaus Project
       ; Last-Modified: Sat, 04 Jul 2020 01:32:55 GMT
       ; Expires: Wed, 05 Aug 2020 02:00:44 GMT


       ; Spamhaus DROP List 2020/08/04 - (c) 2020 The Spamhaus Project
       ; Last-Modified: Sat, 25 Jul 2020 08:39:55 GMT
       ; Expires: Tue, 04 Aug 2020 15:18:34 GMT

Indeed, they are not updated on a daily basis, BUT my issue is that my OPNsense seems to update the DROP list and seems to ignore the EDROP list, why is that ??

I have also been scratching my head over this. The system - general log show that DROP .txt file has been fetched, but not the EDROP file. If I on the other hand check under diagnostics and pfTables, both DROP/EDROP are there. The content of the two .txt files that is. Go figure.


Quote from: mimugmail on June 10, 2020, 02:01:21 PM
1) block is better since with reject the Firewall has to generate a packet (cost cpu cycle)
2)+3) Interface LAN, Source LAN net, direction ALWAYS *IN*, never use out ..

Why is it always IN? I thought you would put OUT here to block the outgoing LAN connections to these IPs!?

Quote from: mimugmail on November 01, 2021, 10:26:33 AM
But the Firewall see the packet first at LAN inbound direction

thanks, that makes sense.

Here are the rules:

Action: Block
Interface LAN
Direction: in
Protocol: any
Source LAN net
Destination: My Firewall Alias

Action: Block
Interface: WAN
Direction: in
Protocol: Any
Source: My Firewall Alias
Destination: Any

Level 2 contain most VPN needs it to allow the tunnel oer.
if you use it you may run into problems.
i am using just level 3 and it been working fine for long.
DEC4240 – OPNsense Owner

QuoteLevel 2 contain most VPN needs it to allow the tunnel oer.
you can always use "Network group" alias type combining FireHOL list and subnet exclusions  ;)

Quote from: Julien on November 20, 2021, 11:29:59 PM
Level 2 contain most VPN needs it to allow the tunnel oer.
if you use it you may run into problems.
i am using just level 3 and it been working fine for long.

Yes, lot's of lists contain bogons. I combine all lists into one and remove all bogons afterwards. You can get all bogons (IPv4 and IPv6) with this regex:

cat "$BLOCKLIST" | grep -Po "$BOGON_REGEX"