PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR on apply modification

Started by Math43, March 31, 2020, 04:13:58 PM

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March 31, 2020, 04:13:58 PM Last Edit: March 31, 2020, 04:26:28 PM by Math43

After adding a rule or a virtual ip, after press "Apply", browser is loading during a few seconds and return me a PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR. I'm not sure when the issue happen first but I think it's when I editing a virtual IP.

If I have open a ssh session on the firewall to watch the logs i'm disconnected.

I'm not able to see anything in the logs, is there any way to have more verbose logs of the GUI ?

OPNsense 20.1.3-amd64


After investigation, PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR occurs on apply button of Aliases, Virtual IP, firewalls pages.

Problem seems to be bound to gateways. I've two wan interfaces so two gateways configure with monitoring enable, if a disable gateway monitoring no more "PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR"

Config to avoid error is as following:

      <descr>WAN outgoing via public vlan 6</descr>
      <descr>WAN outgoing via public vlan 7</descr>
