HA Not Syncing

Started by bp11487, March 04, 2020, 04:17:51 AM

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     Good evening everyone! I am trying to setup an HA pair in a virtualbox environment before pushing it out to my home. I cant seem to get the configuration to sync from the master to the slave box. The allow all rule exists.... they can ping each other over their sync interface. All should be fine, correct?
     I can manually push the update over to the secondary box from the primary from the menu and it works fine. Im just not sure why its not automatically syncing. Im attaching a screenshot of my primary/slave box config as well!

Hope this helps!

I'm sorry to say that, but you have to read pfSense documentation to proceed into OPNSense.
Do you really expect to have community support ?

I have 3 posts with undocumented questions and no one answers.

I have managed to make high availability with OPN Sense. You need to assign a carb virtual ip on the same range of sync interfaces, for example
Then you have to go to dhcp services and say that the failover ip address for each box is the other one, and the default gateway of the lan is the CARB VIP. 

Good luck.

Quote from: BambosD on March 26, 2020, 07:32:25 AM
I'm sorry to say that, but you have to read pfSense documentation to proceed into OPNSense.
Do you really expect to have community support ?

what a comment