***GOT REQUEST TO UPGRADE: all******STARTING UPGRADE***Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...OPNsense repository is up-to-date.All repositories are up-to-date.Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...OPNsense repository is up-to-date.All repositories are up-to-date.Checking for upgrades (99 candidates): .......... doneProcessing candidates (99 candidates): ...... doneThe following 55 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):New packages to be INSTALLED: libedit: 3.1.20150325_1Installed packages to be UPGRADED: sudo: 1.8.13 -> 1.8.14p3 squid: 3.5.3_1 -> 3.5.6 py27-pytz: 2014.10,1 -> 2015.4,1 py27-Babel: 1.3_2 -> 2.0 png: 1.6.17 -> 1.6.17_1 php56-zlib: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-xml: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-tokenizer: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-sqlite3: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-sockets: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-simplexml: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-session: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-pdo_sqlite: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-pdo: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-openssl: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-mysql: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-mcrypt: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-mbstring: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-ldap: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-json: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-hash: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-gettext: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-filter: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-dom: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-curl: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-ctype: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-bz2: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56-bcmath: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 php56: 5.6.10 -> 5.6.11 phalcon: 2.0.3 -> 2.0.6 pcre: 8.37_1 -> 8.37_2 os-update: 15.7 -> 15.7.6 opnsense: 15.7 -> 15.7.7_3 openssh-portable: 6.8.p1_8,1 -> 6.9.p1_2,1 libressl: 2.2.0 -> 2.2.1 isc-dhcp42-server: 4.2.8 -> 4.2.8_1 freetype2: 2.5.5 -> 2.6_1 filterdns: 0.1 -> 0.2 dnsmasq: 2.73,1 -> 2.74,1 ca_root_nss: 3.19.1_1 -> 3.19.2 bind910: 9.10.2_5 -> 9.10.2P3_1Installed packages to be REINSTALLED: voucher-0.1_4 (needed shared library changed) syslogd-10.1_1 (direct dependency changed: clog) strongswan-5.3.2 (needed shared library changed) relayd-5.5.20140810_1 (needed shared library changed) python27-2.7.10 (needed shared library changed) openvpn-2.3.7 (needed shared library changed) openldap-client-2.4.41 (needed shared library changed) ntp-4.2.8p3 (needed shared library changed) miniupnpd-1.9_1,1 (needed shared library changed) lighttpd-1.4.35_5 (needed shared library changed) libxml2-2.9.2_3 (options changed) libevent2-2.0.22_1 (needed shared library changed) curl-7.43.0_2 (needed shared library changed)The process will require 1 MiB more space.46 MiB to be downloaded.Restarting webConfigurator...done.***DONE***
pkg: Not enough space in /var/cache/pkg, needed 46 MiB available 37 MiB