Reload FQDN aliasses after a table flush

Started by RGijsen, February 21, 2019, 09:18:21 AM

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when I have aliasses with FQDN in it, and I (accidently or not) flushed the pftables for them, how to reload them? When I add a new FQDN to that alias, that ends up in the pftable, but the other ones aren't. I remember from pfSense I could kill filterdns and restart that, but I can't see a filterdns process running at all, so OPNsense probably works different here.

Anyone? I'm just testing, but in my test setup I've flushed a table by means of test, but after tens of reboots the tables still aren't repopulated.

re-applying the aliases should normally do the trick just fine, a reboot as well for that matter.

If it stays empty, I assume there's another issue. Can you run this from a console?


March 11, 2019, 10:43:52 AM #3 Last Edit: March 11, 2019, 10:45:26 AM by RGijsen
Ah, missed that reply, didn't enable notify (why isn't that enabled by default for threads you create youself by the way?). I finally tracked down the issue, which of course was another stupid thing. I went berserk on locking things down. I guess opnsense wasn't allowed access to DNS anymore, as I have a rule for that where the DNS machines are in an alias as well. However, I put them in as FQDN. Flushing all aliasses stopped it from having access to the DNS at all I guess, as obviously it couldn't resolve the FQDN with the DNS servers in it. That's probably why rebooting didn't help either. Of course it's stupid to put your DNS as FQDN, resulting in a circle you can't exit.

Fixed by putting the actual IP's in the 'DNS' alias, and within the alias-resolve-time all aliasses began populating again. Thanks!