[WORKAROUND] problems updating to 19.1 on a Freebsd 12p3 bhyve VM

Started by _Raúl_, February 06, 2019, 09:51:00 AM

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This is my first post here so first things first, thanks a lot to everyone that makes opnsense possible.

I've read on release notes that is a known error on uefi / bhyve and it is under investigation. I use it with bhyveload instead uefi and it hangs booting after update to 19.1, probably related. I've looked for several days, threads, tweets ... without success, where can I find the progress on this situation?

Thanks a lot in advance.

If you're using FreeBSD as the host, make sure you're passing in the -w option to ignore unimplemented MSRs.

I did test 12.0-p3 yesterday with this script https://github.com/opnsense/tools/blob/master/build/boot.sh#L43-L51 and whatever this is some people are seeing it's not a general issue with 19.1 or 11.2 as this boots fine.

Any help with providing the steps to reproduce is highly appreciated.


In this particular case, it's because we at HardenedBSD ported over a cool security feature from OpenBSD: disabling a specific Intel backdoor called Intel SDBG. We have to toggle a not-well-known MSR that FreeBSD's bhyve freaks out on. We implemented a workaround in HardenedBSD's bhyve that FreeBSD refuses to import upstream, though they initially promised they would.

Were you already passing in the -w option? How were you booting opnsense 19.1 in bhyve?

Interesting. Perhaps it's not the Intel SDBG disable, then. Lemme double-check a few things and I'll get back to you soon-ish. Probably around a week or so.

Quote from: lattera on February 06, 2019, 04:32:46 PM
If you're using FreeBSD as the host, make sure you're passing in the -w option to ignore unimplemented MSRs.

I use churchers/vm-bhyve to manage vm's. Looking at the sources, there is a config parameter called 'ignore_bad_msr' witch translates on that -w parameter. After adjust the config, log reports: [bhyve options: -c 4 -m 2G -AHPw .... it was '-AHP' before, without that 'w' you suggested .

Now it works here flawlessly. Thanks a lot!.

I can also confirm '-w' works for opnsense 19.1.x and vanilla HBSD 11.
HBSD 12 does not need it, so I asume once opnsense is based on that we can drop it again.