OPNSense System|Firmware|Update fails: Timeout connecting to selected mirror

Started by mossi2000, January 01, 2019, 06:14:41 PM

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yesterday I tried to update OPNsense 18.7.5 via Check for Updates. Timeout....
I searched around, checked various things DNS... and so, tried pkg update -f:

Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...
pkg: Repository OPNsense load error: access repo file(/var/db/pkg/repo-OPNsense.sqlite) failed: No such file or directory
pkg: http://mirror.dataroute.de/opnsense/FreeBSD:11:amd64/18.7/latest/meta.txz: No address record

Internet access works fine, I have Unbound DNS with the DNS over TLS activated.

Today I had the ides to check if I can get the file/the mirror site directly:
Pasted the http:// URL from the error message into the browser: And - yep I get the index page for amd64/18.7/latest.

So what's wrong there? Why can't I get possible updates, when access basically is working.


Go to Firmware settings and choose a different mirror. Then retry Check for Updates.

This was one of the first things I tried. Tried 3 different mirrors. Same result.
The strange thing is, that I can reach the page for download from the browser, but pkg update cannot.


Since I added in the web GUI a static route to my ISP WAN gateway, all web GUI wizards/tools who connect to internet seems to work well.
It seems that some web GUI tools don't use the existing system routes table...