Unable to access website via url on internal network.

Started by XOIIO, November 10, 2018, 11:16:32 AM

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Hello all, so thankfully I was able to figure out my previous issue even though I got no input on it from others, apparently you not only need NAT rules but floating rules as well.

I have all of my stuff working correctly except for one thing, I am unable to access my website using the url when I am on the local network, I have to use the IP of the machine hosting it. It's not a big issue or anything but if possible I would like to be able to just type in the url and have it work as it did previously.

What changes do I need to make to do this?

November 10, 2018, 05:50:56 PM #1 Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 05:54:04 PM by sigrme2449
Your problem sounds DNS related. IE when you use DNS to resolve the IP, it somehow is blocking or not replying to your request.

However when you use the IP and don't need DNS IE the domain name/website url it seems to work?

This is a OLD tutorial, but it might be applicable for OPNsense, since they share alot of the common base (for now)

Try turning on NAT REFLECTION in the advanced settings. or following this users remedy which may not be applicable given your different networking setup(s) looking at your post history


Make sure you have disable webConfigurator re-direct rule in OPNsense