Modem to Manage Switch to OPNsense Issue

Started by fearz, February 01, 2025, 08:39:24 PM

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Here is what I want to achieve:

My ISP modem connected to a Linksys 382C managed switch, OPNSense LAN connected to the managed switch with DHCP on a specific VLAN, at the same time using that same cable (if anyone connected to the modems WIFI, it will take from OPNsense DHCP AND as well use the modems' ISP WAN connection as a secondary WAN on OPNSense)

So here's my configuration:

On my ISP modem:

I disabled DHCP and assigned static IP for modem

On Managed Switch:

Modem connect from its LAN port to managed switch port 7

Created vlan 10 (my switch uses PVID) so i set it up as follows:
In PVID i set port 7 to use PVID 10
On switch I set trunk port 2 & port 2 tagged & port 7 untagged
Opnsense LAN connect to switch on port 2

Now if i connect to the modems Wifi i take from Opnsense DHCP

Now on Opnsense:

LAN subnet: 192.168.4.x
Created interface vlan.10 / OPT7
Enabled Interface + DHCP from rane to
On OPT7 interface firewall rule, I allowed IN ANY ANY
On LAN interface firewall rules I added LAN NET to OPT7 ANY ANY
On LAN interface firewall rules I added ICMP/IPv4 LAN NET to OPT7 ANY ANY

Now the problem is I cannot ping from or access anything from 192.168.4.x

I can if i connected to the modems WIFI, access the modems admin page and as well opnsense admin page but not the opposite.

The other thing after i fix the 1st issue, is to use that cable the modem as a gateway in opnsense

Attached are screenshots for the whole situation.

Yes thats the working solution.

But i was looking for it to work from modem to switch to opnsense.