Config Two completely separate home networks with one shared internet connection

Started by Jjabba, September 16, 2019, 03:21:17 AM

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QuoteYou should read the rule like this:

(MYLAN) Interface
IPv4 *   MYLAN net   *   *   *   *   *   Default allow LAN to any
Every IPv4 packet which arrives (incoming) at "MYLAN Interface" is checked if
-IP is within the MYLAN range,
-Port *
-Destination *

if everything matches the paket is allowed.


That is simple enough,
but what I really want to know is how I should read this rule:
Firewall rules for NEIGHBORLAN

IPv4+6 ***MYLAN net***Block all traffic to MYLAN

Applying your formula I would think it reads something like:
> Every IPv4 and IPv6 packet leaving NEIGHBOUR LAN (outgoing)
is checked if
-IP is *
-Port *
-Destination within "MYLAN"
Block it.

But apparently that is not the reality, so how do I read this rule and what is the effect of it?

Also, if only incoming traffic is effected, why does the interface even allow me to add this rule in the first place?!


You need to differenciate between you NEIGHBOR_LAN Range and the neighbor Interface.

Neigbhor Lan IP-Range is

Your rule :

Every packte which enters (incoming the Neighbour LAN Interface) the Neigbour LAN Interface Blocks Traffics if IPv4 or IPv6 and Destination IP is within Range.


   I am new to opnsense and need to setup to routers on to different networks to on NBN fibre input through opnsense.  I am having problems I think on the firewall rules. I already have 2 routers on one network bridged together.  I need both to be private networks from each other. But I need full access for both to the Internet please.  Merry Christmas to all as well.