OPNsense FreeRADIUS plugin - FreeRADIUS version missing?

Started by bgb, December 16, 2024, 06:03:23 PM

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Hi there,

Not new to OPNsense but somewhat inexperienced. I've been using the FreeRADIUS plugin for about a year or two now, but only recently did I wonder what version of FreeRADIUS the plugin includes or uses. Unfortunately, the plugin only lists its own version and not the version of FreeRADIUS itself. I guess this is a "bug" or "feature request" for that plugin, but looking at the other plugins, whether they list the underlying software's version or not is totally up to the implementer of the plugin.

Does anybody know how I can find out what version of FreeRADIUS is deployed with or used by the OPNsense FreeRADIUS plugin? It would be nice if the plugins had to list the underlying software packages so there was a more visible audit trail.

Thanks for any help,


You should be able to find that in System > Firmware > Packages.
Deciso DEC750
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