OPNSense not allowing my keyboard to enter the credentials

Started by bjwil1991, April 08, 2023, 03:42:08 AM

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Good day, I'll be using OPNSense for the first time and I'm attempting to run the installer on my main laptop that I'll be using to install OPNSense to my SD card for my Chromebox CN60 since I'm currently on the clock (I work from home). Unfortunately, if I attempt to enter the login info, it'll either show a blank character, ^N^S, show the TTL message, ^A^L^L^E^R and the password won't show anything (well, because it's a Linux security thing, which I don't mind) and when I press enter, it'll say invalid credentials. The laptop is an ASUS FX502VM "gaming" laptop and I've yet to connect an external keyboard to see if that would do anything. Has anyone had this issue before?

You probably have a wedged Ctrl key on that keyboard.
Deciso DEC750
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. (Isaac Asimov)

I connected an external keyboard, rebooted, and it let me install it.

I also have another issue, but, that'll be in a separate thread.