Just wanted to drop a welcome and say thanks for your work on advanced tomato.I used to run it on some linksys routers back in the day.Got one in use still but switched to Freshtomato since it was getting more regular updates.Still get a little nostalgic thinking about WRT54gl and the early days of custom firmware.I'm certain you will enjoy OPNsense and all that it can do.Welcome!
hi jacky,Nice work and welcome! If you feel up for it a theme inclusion in the plugins repository would be great. You can open a PR directly or contact me to get started / answer questions. Cheers,Franco
pkg add -f https://advancedtomato.com/data/pkg/os-AdvancedOPN-0.8_beta.pkg
Ok first try pretty good base look.The font doesn't load, looks a bit off: net::ERR_ABORTED 404"primary" color is still orange. That leads to a couple of off-looking modal headers like in system notifications (dot left of the search field in the upper right corner).Button contrast is sometimes a bit low between darker color and hover.The padding even for condensed tables seems to be higher than the standard theme. I don't mind but larger tables like rule listings may be longer than necessary because of it.Just a couple of thoughts. I will add this to a test machine to use it every now and then and check progress Thanks,Franco