Wireguard VPN Client / Local Endpoint over specific Interface

Started by jbattermann, November 13, 2021, 09:49:51 PM

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Good afternoon,

for my IPsec VPN(s) connections on my OPNSense I can specify a specific interface that traffic shall go over, for my Wireguard ones I cannot however. Is there any way I can tell OPNSense / Wireguard to not use the default interface/gateway etc, but use a specific one?

Given that the UI seemingly does not expose such an option, I tried using a Firewall Lan rule to use the specific second / WAN2 gateway for the Wireguard servers as destionation(s), but to no success.. the Wireguard traffic is still going over the default WAN1 one.

I may have just misconfigured something, but is this generally possible one way or another, and if so.. how?


I'm looking to see if this is possible too.
You can specify the interface for openVPN also. But I cannot find where to do it for wireguard tunnels.