ipconfig /flushdns
Which browser are you using? Chrome may be bypassing your settings and using Google's DNS servers regardless of what you have specified on the network.I'd try with either FireFox or Vivaldi and see if you can duplicate the results just to rule out DoH hidden in a browser setting.
To be more specific, chrome could be using DoH = DNS over Https, which would bypass your redirect of port 53 traffic.Also consider that you may need to block/redirect ports 784 / 853 (?) For DNS over Quic / TLS traffic.
2034647 blocked xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 54658 yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy 80 ET EXPLOIT Apache log4j RCE Attempt (http ldap) (CVE-2021-44228)
jclendinengBut, if you have services facing the public? Then would it not be beneficial to also use Suricata / IDS?I have a lot of these coming on my public facing ports these days, which I think Suricata handles pretty well Code: [Select]2034647 blocked xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 54658 yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy 80 ET EXPLOIT Apache log4j RCE Attempt (http ldap) (CVE-2021-44228)