Having problem installing the installer is not working

Started by saki22, July 29, 2021, 08:30:05 AM

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21.7.1 will release new images to fix these things. Hopefully by the end of next week.


Pretty much I'm screwed to you least in the next update so I cannot use the new version right now I think you should make this a little more higher priority it get done little sooner

Had the same issue yesterday and after several attempts used CTRL+C and restarted the installation with ZFS instead of UFS and it worked without any issues. The GUI does sort of freeze for a minute or so then so I would be patient then progress starts.

I have seen this too, the ZFS installer doesn't show any progress for the first minute or so, and longer on slower systems, giving the impression of a stall.
Both the UFS and ZFS install gave some text messages below in the screen.
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.

July 31, 2021, 11:39:22 AM #34 Last Edit: July 31, 2021, 04:57:01 PM by Meditux
Quote from: franco on July 30, 2021, 09:45:29 AM
Would you mind sending me that in German... I think I am a bit lost in the translation. :)


Hi Franco,

die Installation  funktioniert mit dem modifizierten File unter ZFS sowie auch unter UFS. Die funktionierende Version hatte ich Dir als Anhang gesendet.

Ich denke das es kein Problem mit der SSD gab, sondern das Problem war, dass ich zwischenzeitlich einmal den USB-Stick zur Installation abgezogen hatte. So kam es dann zum folgenden Fehler (The partition editor run failed).

Ich habe mittlerweile die VGA-ISO 21.7 mit dem angepassten File auf diverser Hardware installiert. Ich habe einfach das angepasste File nach dem Booten in die Ram-Disk geschoben. Mit dem angepassten File läuft bei der Installation unter UFS der Text aus dem Menü. Das schaut optisch etwas unschön aus aber funktioniert ;-)

Ich hoffe das ist jetzt besser zu verstehen  :)

Gruß Meditux

Quote from: saki22 on July 31, 2021, 04:48:15 AM
Pretty much I'm screwed to you least in the next update so I cannot use the new version right now I think you should make this a little more higher priority it get done little sooner

And you think 21.7.1 bundled with new images is NOT priority? What rock do you live under, pardon my wording...

The first couple of seconds in the install routine appear a bit sluggish, but having played with the responsiveness in this regard the current result is already improved especially regarding the last 50-80% which would appear as a block update during initial write.

@Meditux: aha, besten Dank. Das "set -e" braucht es dann nicht... das schreibt nur alles noch mal in den Hintergrund.  Danke für's Testen! :)


Quote from: franco on July 30, 2021, 07:44:21 PM
21.7.1 will release new images to fix these things. Hopefully by the end of next week.

I ended up selecting ZFS and it worked...  ::)

Quote from: franco on July 31, 2021, 02:29:04 PM
Quote from: saki22 on July 31, 2021, 04:48:15 AM
Pretty much I'm screwed to you least in the next update so I cannot use the new version right now I think you should make this a little more higher priority it get done little sooner

And you think 21.7.1 bundled with new images is NOT priority? What rock do you live under, pardon my wording...

The first couple of seconds in the install routine appear a bit sluggish, but having played with the responsiveness in this regard the current result is already improved especially regarding the last 50-80% which would appear as a block update during initial write.

@Meditux: aha, besten Dank. Das "set -e" braucht es dann nicht... das schreibt nur alles noch mal in den Hintergrund.  Danke für's Testen! :)

I think thier is a miss understand i think 21.7.1 image should be high priority. I have to wait for new image so i can use this new version. I think should release the 21.7.1 little sooner

Maybe a little patience would also help speed this up.  ;)


I decided to risk it I update to the current copy of opnsense update work perfectly with no issues

I had the same problem installing 21.7 (APU2 and APU4 boards), finally tried selecting "Other Modes," then "Auto (UFS)," and it works fine.