Need help with firewall rules

Started by z0rk, December 02, 2018, 10:52:12 PM

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I've two private subnets: LAN 192.168.1.x and LAN02 172.16.1.x. I've used the guest network how-to as a template to segregate LAN02 from LAN. With the block rules in place clients on LAN02 can't access any clients on LAN, but clients on LAN can access any client on LAN02.

What I would like to accomplish now is to allow certain clients on LAN02 to access certain clients on LAN. I've implemented three rules that I thought would accomplish that, but they don't work as expected. I've attached a screenshot.

In the screenshot these three rules are currently disabled, because if I've any one of them is enabled all traffic from any client on LAN02 can access any client on LAN. I am stumped.

Could somebody help a lending hand?


OPNsense 24.7.2

Change /24 to /32 if you want to limit the rule to a single host, the /24 part will allow the whole subnet.

LOL... major facepalm.
Thanks mate
OPNsense 24.7.2