No factory reset...

Started by LeLLa, December 05, 2023, 01:35:42 PM

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December 05, 2023, 01:35:42 PM Last Edit: December 05, 2023, 01:45:51 PM by LeLLa
Hello, i have a brand new DEC3850, i want to reset the firewall to default state but this is impossible throw the web interface or the CLI;
i have setup crowdsec but still after 4 "factory default" i keep seeng the config loaded.

Why you use "factory default" if the system is not reset to default state ?

If you look at the console screenshot you will see the file still intect after default restore was done 4 times....

Also wrowdsec was purged from webgui before factory reset the device


How did you reset your device?

In the GUI it's possible to do so by going in "System / Defaults" (see attachment).
I have never used it yet so please tell me if if worked.


December 05, 2023, 07:17:14 PM #2 Last Edit: December 05, 2023, 07:23:27 PM by Monviech
I think you could use the "opnsense-bootstrap" tool from the command line to reach that goal:

I didnt check if thats the same script being called when doing a Factory reset in the GUI or the TUI.

Though that scripts purpose doesn't seem to be to whipe all folders to a base state. The factory reset option, when selected (DO_FACTORY), will remove all files in the /conf/ directory. That means all custom files in other directories will be untouched. I think.

I think this will works thanks;
i deleted all the crowdsec folders and database myself and now it's working

How come a factory reset is still loading all the garbage that I wanted gone, and lead me to do the factory reset in the first place?

How do you do an actual PROPER factory reset, I want everything wiped, why is crowdsec and all this other crap still here?

Quote from: frozen on December 30, 2024, 06:08:02 AMHow do you do an actual PROPER factory reset?

Deciso DEC750
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