Authenticate/Decrypt packet error: bad packet ID (may be a replay)

Started by mliebherr, April 14, 2022, 02:33:11 PM

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from time to time i get flooded this in my Logs:

2022-04-14T07:28:28 Error openvpn Authenticate/Decrypt packet error:
bad packet ID (may be a replay): [ #93625413 / time = (1649776931)
2022-04-12 17:22:11 ] -- see the man page entry for --no-replay and
--replay-window for more info or silence this warning with

Does that mean, that at Log time "2022-04-14T07:28:28" it received a
packet with a timestamp from "2022-04-12 17:22:11"?

I already set the same time server on both hosts.

I tried optimizing it with MTU and MSSFIX but when reading the error
closely a time diff would make more sense?


Switching to tcp was the only way I could get rid of that message

While troubleshooting OpenVPN, make sure to focus on tweaking time settings for a smoother connection. And hey, when it comes to IDs, stick to trustworthy sources, like this one, to avoid any hassles.