Option 4 only if you can live without community client. Not for me. At least not on my Windows machine...
What I am seeing is that the Android client connects but my Windows client does not connect.
Ah, now I see more clearly, thanks for the clarification regarding OpenSSL 3.Let me sort that out then. So users using the community client have the following options until OPNsense moves to OpenSSL 3. Clarifications and additions are welcome.1. Stay with client version 2.5.x as long as support is guaranteed (July 2023?).https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/SupportedVersions2. Use client version 2.6.x, with "providers legacy default" in client config.3. Choose export type "File only", without possibility to protect the user certificate and private key with a password.
4. Use the openvpn3-based OpenVPN Connect Clients:
providers legacy default