The firewall generates a DUID automatically, but in some cases, an administrator may want to use a different DUID. For example, if the operating system was reinstalled and the firewall should use the same DUID it had in the past, or if an upstream network administrator requires a specific DUID.
This field can be used to enter an explicit DUID for use by IPv6 DHCP clients.The correct format for each DUID type is as follows, all entries to be in hex format "xx" separated by a colon.LLT: 4 bytes "00:01:00:01" followed by 4 bytes Unix time e.g. "00:01:02:03", followed by 6 bytes of the MAC address.LL: 4 bytes "00:03:00:01" followed by 6 bytes of the MAC address.UUID: 4 bytes "00:00:00:04" followed by 8 bytes of a universally unique identifier.EN: 2 bytes "00:02" followed by 4 bytes of the enterprise number e.g. "00:00:00:01", followed by a variable length identifier of hex values up to 12