...so I'm just wondering if the system defaults (i.e only works) when there is one tunnel per phase 1 and I'm going to have to setup a phase one for each tunnel if this is ever going to work ??
The other thing was when I finally got to get some firewalling out of it I had to add something similar to "Default allow LAN to any rule" for any interface to work properly, but this can't be right as it seems to allow inbound traffic back to the interface. I would normally expect to configure the outbound rule and the fw will know to return associated packets without having an explicit inbound rule ...
It seems my actual problem is that I don't know *yet* where the intra interface routing is controlled - currently its happily allowing packets from a guest interface (the wizard gave it an opt prefix) to access the computers on the LAN (including the main menu) , which is clearly undesirable. There doesn't seem to be anything in the auto generated options which enables this. So scratching my head a bit in case its something like some special rule being applied from the settings.
IPv4 * guest net * * * * * Default allow guest to any rule IPv4 * * * WAN net * * * guest to WAN