How OPNSense know which Intermediate cert to use

Started by aaaboy, August 02, 2022, 02:51:55 PM

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Hello everyone,

I have one question that really puzzles me.
Here is my setup.

In System/Trust/Authorities I have two Let's encrypt Intermediate certificates that I imported for use. One is the R3 certificate that will be valid until 2021/09/21 and the newly imported E1 certificate that will be valid until 2025.
After I click renew the certificate, in Services/Let'sEncrypt/Certificates I am presented with the new certificate that has R3 as an issuer.

My question is the following. How I can tell Lets'encrypt service that I need a new certificate with an E1 intermediate certificate as an issuer?


The E1 intermediate is not yet generally available. You need to get your Let's Encrypt account allowlisted in order to use it:

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