FTP Proxy for LAN clients to connect to any external FTP server

Started by CDuv, November 03, 2021, 03:44:40 PM

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I want to provide an FTP proxy for my LAN clients so that their FTP traffic goes via the OPNsense router and via it's WAN.
I want them to be able to connect to any FTP server.

I got the "os-ftp-proxy" plugin installation part OK and successfully configured a proxy to connect to a fixed server (using "Reverse address" and "Reverse port" ports).
For the client (FileZilla), I set the FTP proxy IP and port (IP of OPNsense aand 8021) and the following custom auth sequence:


But, for my real use case I need to be able to connect to any FTP server, so I emptied both "Reverse address" and "Reverse port" fields from the FTP proxy configuration and set FileZilla FTP proxy settings to the custom auth sequence:


But connections attempts timeout.

Using Wireshark I don't see any mention of the real FTP server address in my outgoing traffic.

I could not find any tutorial about the client-side configuration for a FTP proxy setup: is it that software-dependent?

the os-ftp-proxy plugin provides a transparent FTP proxy.
You don't need to configure FileZilla FTP proxy settings.
See FTP Proxy HowTo

If you need a non transparent proxy try the proxy-suite package.

just configure a port forward any:any to any:21 ->, then you can use FTP without any special configuration.