Very basic, newbie question, first time running it live.

Started by NetGobbler, October 14, 2021, 10:36:07 AM

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I've "cleaned up" my network, in preperation to switch to OpnSense.

All of the IP addresses for servers, TVs, Google Homes, lightglobes, gaming consoles etc in my network are now reserved static by DHCP except a small 'guest' scope for phones / laptops with dynamic.

My question is.

If I turn on every device in my house, and then turn off my modem, fire up OpnSense, what will it do when it sees existing devices? 
How can I ensure, these devices, retain the static IP from the existing scope?

Should I create a CSV and import the reservations somehow?
Will OpnSense see that my devices are still on and offer me the ability to use the existing IP they have?


I've also been told, that OpnSense does not like reservations inside the dynamic scope range, is this true?

So if my scope is to  and I currently have 0.150 reserved as a printer, it might not like that and it's best I move the static printer reservation, out of the dynamic scope?


You will need to create the DHCP static mappings for your devices in OPNsense. IMO it is better practice to allocate static mappings outside the DHCP pool, although I don't think OPNsense will stop you doing otherwise