So, I'm coming from a "previous project" background - apologies if I get any of this wrong!Probably you want outgoing mail to *never* go out via WAN_2 - Starlink, right?So, you'd create a firewall rule - on LAN (or your DMZ if it's a seperate network)The rule will look like:Source IP: Mail ServerDestination IP: AllDestination Port: 25Transport/Protocol: TCPGateway: WAN_1GW This is the magic bit!(Why did I post if I'm not current w/OPNSense? Well, my OWN starlink setup just arrived, so it's time to get away from my nightmare bonded DSL - 12 megabits, WOW - and I'm going to want to use a real platform; I was curious how people's experience with Starlink & its various bits were!)