Started by xames, March 09, 2020, 11:11:30 AM

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I have all my firewalls and systems over Unifi system. I have two gateways 1 adsl and 1 satellite with unifi balancing, but i need a proxy that unifi doesn't to push web pages of the satellete wan more fast.

I want to use OPNSense only acting as a web proxy cache, this is possible?
With one cable on the LAN from unifi switch to OPNsense is enough? Wan comes from LAN like a normal PC client on unifi, my opnsense is like another client more of unifi system.

Yeah should be possible.
But why do you want a full running Firewall just for a Proxy. I think it would be more efficient to just install Squid somewhere :)
(Unoffial Community) OPNsense Telegram Group:

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I have the machine running opnsense here, i want this computer alone to do that, but its not working, i have lan, i have dhcp over same lan, but when i put opnsense as a proxy in internet settings i can`t surf. any idea?

Quote from: xames on March 09, 2020, 04:18:52 PM
I have the machine running opnsense here, i want this computer alone to do that, but its not working, i have lan, i have dhcp over same lan, but when i put opnsense as a proxy in internet settings i can`t surf. any idea?
Take a screenshot of your proxy setting :)
(Unoffial Community) OPNsense Telegram Group:

PM for paid support