[SOLVED] Firewall LAN - OPT1

Started by aspire78, November 06, 2015, 12:34:56 PM

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November 06, 2015, 12:34:56 PM Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 01:11:02 PM by franco

I have one interface dedicated to LAN  and other one for my lan test called  OPT.

I want to  block/reject  traffic  from lan to opt and opt to lan.

I trayed with firewall rules but i can still ping  form lan to opt.

Any ideas ?

Thank you

Best regards

It's OK now ..

i think that i should wait some minutes that rules refresh


Hi there,

Make sure the block LAN->OPT1 rule in the firewall: rules; LAN tab are above the automatically generated IPv4 and IPv6 pass rules. Happens to me too sometimes...
