Some questions about the Proxy and the Web Filter

Started by WhiteTiger, June 21, 2020, 06:32:12 PM

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June 21, 2020, 06:32:12 PM Last Edit: June 21, 2020, 07:15:38 PM by WhiteTiger
1) What happens if I enable two filter lists, for example UT1 and Shalla?
Do I improve the filter or do they conflict with each other?
Already now I have activated UT1 and Yoyo Ads Blacklist
But when I have disabled both, the porn sites are reachable, but an online newspaper always appears without any advertising and instead I am sure that they have published dozens of banners.
Obviously I'm testing on different browsers, without local cache and in "private" mode.

2) Can I customize the filter message page?

3) Is there a list of blocked URLs and who has accessed them?

4) Can I differentiate accesses? For example, Marketing can access all websites, everyone can access institutional sites, nobody can access porn sites.

5) Can I install SARG or is there already something like this as a plugin?

6) I see two buttons with the same name, which is the difference between the two?
See screenshot in attach.

Nothing is filtering: porn, advertising, ...
Yet I downloaded and selected the categories and I did the download at least a dozen times.
What little was initially filtered was for PC level filters.

In addition to the initial questions, I wonder what it can verify to understand why it is not working.

You simply have too many questions (each should get its own post)
Quote1) What happens if I enable two filter lists, for example UT1 and Shalla?
not sure on this but probably they conflict

Quote2) Can I customize the filter message page?

Quote3) Is there a list of blocked URLs and who has accessed them?
That would be Access log.

Quote4) Can I differentiate accesses?.
I wrote a post on how to manually do this
you can also use a third party plugin

Quote5) Can I install SARG or is there already something like this as a plugin?

Quote6) I see two buttons with the same name, which is the difference between the two?
this is probably a bug (report it), this is how it should look, well at least for me
Disclaimer: All advice presented is "AS IS", no warranties.
I'm not part of the opnsense team, just trying to help.