Nov 13 23:54:51 suricata: [100235] <Notice> -- all 5 packet processing threads, 4 management threads initialized, engine started.Nov 13 23:53:51 suricata: [100235] <Warning> -- [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'FB346039_0' is checked but not set. Checked in 2024774 and 0 other sigsNov 13 23:53:51 suricata: [100235] <Warning> -- [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'ET.Netwire.HB.1' is checked but not set. Checked in 2018282 and 0 other sigsNov 13 23:53:51 suricata: [100235] <Warning> -- [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'FB180732_3' is checked but not set. Checked in 2024698 and 0 other sigsNov 13 23:53:51 suricata: [100235] <Warning> -- [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'ETPRO.bayrob_packet' is checked but not set. Checked in 2819946 and 0 other sigsNov 13 23:53:51 suricata: [100235] <Warning> -- [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'et.BHEK.PDF' is checked but not set. Checked in 2017416 and 0 other sigsNov 13 23:53:28 suricata: [100235] <Warning> -- [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_DEFAULT_WILL_CHANGE(317)] - in 5.0 the default for decoder event stats will go from 'decoder.<proto>.<event>' to 'decoder.event.<proto>.<event>'. See ticket #2225. To suppress this message, set stats.decoder-events-prefix in the yaml.Nov 13 23:53:28 suricata: [100267] <Notice> -- This is Suricata version 4.1.5 RELEASE