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Messages - Tubs

Quote from: Fright on January 20, 2021, 02:24:43 PM
have you tried not to select CAs in TLS:Trusted Certificate in Upstream config page?
should work if upstream cert issued CAs is in trusted store on OPN and nginx is happy on cert check

I could not reproduce anymore.

One day after I went back to to nginx 1.19 opnsense automatically updated again to version 1.20. But it is running now. I guess the fix already was implemented.
I have exactly the same issue. OpnSense updated to 20.1.8 and nginx is not starting anymore.

2021/01/20 22:03:14 [emerg] 95587#100595: SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations("/usr/local/etc/nginx/key/trust_upstream_228ce5a1-*****.pem") failed (SSL: error:0B084088:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:no certificate or crl found)

The file mentioned in the log file is not existing. But I have no glue how to figure out where it should belong to. I have a couple of upstream and a couple of server defined. So far nothing suspicious detected. But I have no idea where to search.

Quote from: mimugmail on January 20, 2021, 06:22:53 AM
opnsense-revert -r 20.7.7 os-nginx

Dies this fix it?

Yes. In my case it helped. Nginx is running again.

currently my home network with a hand full of VLAN is set-up with in that way that opnsense is doing all routing between the sub-nets. All devices are connected to one L2 switch. But since I upgraded a part of my home network to 10 Gbit, I now have a bottleneck between the networks I call "LAN" and "DMZ". My opnsense is a small box with 1 GBit ports only, but good enough to handle the traffic to and from internet.

Three goals I have:
(1) I would like to move the routing between the network "LAN" and "WAN" to an external 10 GBit L3 switch (Ruckus 7250). For all other networks the routing can stay on the opnsense box. Only few traffic needs to get routed that is related to those.
(2) I would like to utilise the available 3 physical ports (A2, A3, A3) on the opnsense box as much as possible.
(3) I would like to minimize the overhead on the opnsense box generated by VLAN tagging or LAGG.

My ideas are:
- run LAGG over all three ports and run one VLAN trunk to the switch with all networks in
- run one VLAN / VLAN trunk on each of the three ports and manually distribute the VLAN / subnets acc. expected traffic
- as shown on the sketch: one separate gateway and route for LAN and DMZ, directly connected without VLAN or LAGG. All other packed in one VLAN trunk. No need for LAG or VLAN on the networks with highest traffic.

Any disadvantages by going with the last one?
Better ideas?

  opnsense                               L3 switch

       A1 --------X WAN

                GW1 -
       A2 -------------------------------- B1 - LAN:   

                GW2 -
       A3 -------------------------------- B2 - DMZ:

                 VLAN trunk
       A4 -------------------------------- B3 |--- VLAN 10:
                                              |--- VLAN 20:
                                              |--- VLAN 30:
20.7 Legacy Series / Re: Swap used to 70%?
November 29, 2020, 02:04:17 PM
Since 20.7.4 it is better again. Still more swap is used than before. But no service is stopping any more.
German - Deutsch / Re: mehrere Subdomains via Port 80/443
November 29, 2020, 02:01:23 PM
Quote from: fabian on November 22, 2020, 09:16:13 PM
Not hidden - it is on almost every page on the bottom.

Vielen Dank!
Ich habe den Knopf gefunden, hatte aber niemals diese Funktion damit verbunden.
German - Deutsch / Re: mehrere Subdomains via Port 80/443
November 22, 2020, 01:44:17 PM
Quote from: fabian on November 21, 2020, 07:54:40 PM
Muss man nicht. Reload button klicken reicht.

" Reload button"?

Thank you. I found the "reload" function in the console menu and will try out the next time.
But button? Somewhere hidden in the GUI?
German - Deutsch / Re: mehrere Subdomains via Port 80/443
November 21, 2020, 02:31:47 AM
Quote from: fabian on November 18, 2020, 08:00:11 PM
Die Config kann weniger und wird daher vielfach als einfacher angesehen.

HAProxy ist in OPNsense mehr oder weniger ein Load Balancer und der nginx kommt mit zusätzlichen Funktionen wie WAF, UDP Lastverteilung, Web Server, ...


Bei Regentagen werden ich mal wieder HAProxy für den reinen Zweck des Reverse Proxy (Thema dieses Threads) testen. Ich hatte damit gestartet und bin verzweifelt.

Nginx läuft bei mir. Mich ärgert nur, dass ich OPNsense jedes Mal neu starten muss, wenn ich etwas an der nignx-Konfiguration ändere. Ohne Neustart der gesamten Firewall werden die Änderungen nicht aktiv, auch ein Neustart von nginx hilft nicht.
German - Deutsch / Re: mehrere Subdomains via Port 80/443
November 18, 2020, 01:28:24 PM
Quote from: lfirewall1243 on November 17, 2020, 08:31:26 PM
HaProxy ist dein Freund.

HAProxy wird als reverse proxy unter OPNsense meist empfohlen, nginx seltener.
Mal die Funktion load balancing ausgeschlossen, welche Argumente sprechen für HAProxy statt nginx?
German - Deutsch / Re: mehrere Subdomains via Port 80/443
November 16, 2020, 01:05:42 PM
Quote from: dslthomas on November 16, 2020, 08:58:51 AM
Frage: welches ist der sinnvollste Weg, diese Weiterleitungen zu den jeweiligen Subdomains einzurichten?

Um mehrere Webserver hinter der Firewall über Port 80 und 443 verfügbar zu machen würde ich so vorgehen:
- öffentlich erreichbar --> reverse proxy: z. B. plugin HAProxy oder nginx
- nur über eigene Geräte und sensible Daten --> VPN: z. B. openVPN, IPSEc, WireGuard

Ich selbst verwende nginx und WireGuard für diesen Zweck.
20.7 Legacy Series / Re: SIP / ALG
November 16, 2020, 12:40:08 PM
Quote from: Supermule on October 13, 2020, 04:11:13 PM
Your rules are wrong.

What is wrong?
Can you please be specific?
Quote from: ArminF on October 13, 2020, 10:02:44 PM
Firewall rule to point your mailserver to another DNS or install a forwarder to you ISP ones on the mailserver direct. And for client use the unbound? Would that be an idea?

Yes, that is more or less what I already described in my first post as possible solutions.
(1) resolver on mail server directly
(2) point mail server to other DNS. My idea additional bind on OPNsense.

As "split functionality" of unbound act as resolver resolver for one host and act as DoT forwarder for everything else is not possible, that's it.
20.7 Legacy Series / Re: SIP / ALG
October 13, 2020, 02:49:03 PM
I do have 3CX running behind opnsense and PPPoE WAN and without using any hidden settings.

Unfortunately I do not have a link to an all inclusive instruction and I cannot find the time to post all my setting in detail. But Some hints for you.

firewall - NAT - port forwarding:
- WAN    TCP/UDP  5060 --> 3CX IP
- WAN    TCP          5061 --> 3CX IP
- WAN    TCP/UDP   5090 --> 3CX IP
- WAN    TCP          5001 --> 3CX IP
- WAN    UDP          9000 - 10999 --> 3CX IP

firewall - NAT - outbound
- WAN    3CX IP  *  *  * interface address *  yes

firewall - rules - WAN
- TCP/UDP  *  * 3CX IP    5060 * *
- TCP         *  * 3CX IP    5061 * *
- TCP/UDP  *  * 3CX IP    5090 * *
- TCP         *  * 3CX IP    5001 * *
- UDP        *  * 3CX IP    9000 - 10999 * *

firewall - rules - DMZ (zone where 3CX is located)
TCP/UDC  3CX IP  *  *  *  *  *

Quote from: ArminF on October 12, 2020, 09:05:16 PM
Whitelisting on the Blacklist Section.

OK. Now we are talking about two different things. I was not talking about the DNSBL function of the unbund plugin. My issue is related to to another server using DNBS and as DNS server my opnsense box with unbound plugin and DoT to a big anycast resolver.

My question is if I can define expeditions for unbound not to use the DoT connection for certain addresses and resolve these addressed by its own.
Quote from: ArminF on October 11, 2020, 02:06:27 PM
maybe you can work with overwrites and set the list as DNS entries there.
A workaround that could help. I will try out.

There is also a whitelist in Unbound which would exclude the DNSBL from these entries.
Here I am not sure what you are talking about. There is a white list called "private domains". But my understanding is that this will disable the filter to block return of local IP addresses (e. g. 127.0.0.x) as typically used by DNSBL as response. Or are you talking about a different setting?

it is possible in unbound plugin to define DNSBL addresses as exclusions for DNS over TLS Servers?

I am using opnsense box with unbound as primary DNS server. My mail server with spam filter and DNSBL also is using this box as DNS server. When I used to direct resolve the domain all was fine. But since I changed to use DNS over TLS with Cloudflare server may mail server cannot use all DNSBL list any longer.

Defining exclusion list in unbound is my first idea. Alternatively, setup bind on opnsense additionally for DNBS only or setup an dedicated DNS server directly on the mail server.