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Topics - empbilly

17.1 Legacy Series / [SOLVED] Access webGui from WAN
April 10, 2017, 11:06:06 PM

After installing opnsense I disabled the firewall via the command line so that I could create a rule in the wan to allow the access of my machine from work.

With the pfctl -d command I disabled, created a rule for allow access to my public IP and after apply changes, I lost my access. I had to rerun pfctl -d to gain access again. I checked and my firewall rule was saved.

Even with the rule I can not access via wan. Anyone else with this problem?
Hello guys,

I would like to test opnsense and tried an installation on our xenserver 6.5 server. The problem is that both via "CIFS ISO Library" and a "local iso storage" installation failed to mount.

Something to do?