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Messages - cyber7

Hi guys
I have reported the problem to pfSense where squid3's instruction to not log a single IP in April this year, but it is still not working.  I have also posted a workaround, but pfSense is not doing anything about it (4 months later)...

Could someone from your developers please test and see if the same goes for OPNSense?  If it has been fixed and the problem sorted, I am going to switch all my products to your release.

sick of being ignored by pfSense

Link to technical writeup of the access_log acl problem in squid:
This is my first post after having a look at a home-release of a FW.  I must also specify that I am an active user on pfSense, bought the book, contributed to code and blogged extensively on pfSense, BUT...

I find the attitude and comments from the "cmb" user very destructive towards the pfSense label and name and in poor show!  It almost feels like the user is trolling on purpose.

That said, IF cmb is a troll, please delete his comments and the subsequent comments (post it rather to an archive if license issues needs to be discussed).  BUT, if this "cmb" user is the owner/coder/admin of pfSense, you, my dear sir, is busy destroying a good company and name by your posts and narrow-mindedness.

just my 10c
cyber7 (aka Aubrey Kloppers, Cape Town, South Africa)