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Messages - meddyuk76

My small network setup is my home server which hosts OPNsense virtually via Proxmox. I've got a Unifi AP running into to my Netgear GS108E, which I've configured as a trunk port (port 7) and then Port 8 is also a trunk port running into the LAN port on the router (opnsense).

I set up 3 Wifi networks on Unifi Controller with Vlans IOT(20), Guest(50) and Personal(10). I set up the same vlans on the switch and on opnsense and ensured that DHCP is set up for all Vlan assignments. They are identical other than the change in IP.

I can only get Vlan 10 to work and connect to the internet. The other vlans will not connect to the internet. I tried connected several devices to the guest network to try and get connected. These devices get an IPIPA address on Unifi. This would suggest that it's a DHCP issue, but the DHCP set up is identical on each.

I reset everything this morning and Vlan 10 lost connection, much to the dismay of everyone in the household and then Vlan 50 would only connect. I've had to just delete everything...reset just so that the wifi is working via the default vlan1

Is the Netgear struggling to pass tagged packets from the Unifi AP? Any ideas?
I installed it and got it working - all connected to the internet. I'm having issues with Vlans now especially with the SSID's and Vlan tags from the Unifi AP. other than that i'm happy with OPNsense just need to work out the Vlan situation.
Hey all, hope you are well.

Evening all - hope you are well?

I want to replace my BT Smart Hub ISP router with OPNsense.

I want to install OPNSense on a VM inside Proxmox and utilse a dual NIC. My plan is to utilise the Full Fibre and by pass and do away with the ISP Router. I then intend on purchasing a Unifi AP for the Wifi.

Its the first time attempting this and I will be managing the LAN/WIFI for the whole family.

Before I start this, is there anything I should be aware of/worried about/ensure that I do?

Is there any guides on how to do it properly, without bodging the family internet?
