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Messages - militarymedic23

General Discussion / sandbox setup under PVE
February 18, 2025, 11:01:46 PM
Wanted to ask a setup question for testing OPN virtually before going live.

Currently running Untangle/Arista on a Protecli type box, but aim to move over to OPN when my subscription ends.

I have a PVE server setup and have an OPN instance running.  slowly getting the hang of it.  But what I'd prefer to do for a learning scenario is try and create a virtual lab (mini mirror of end devices on different vlans) in PVE but behind OPN so I can iron out the networking changes then configure and tweak the various OPN components to what is needed.

One piece I'm trying to figure out is how to virtually emulate a L3 switch setup that is doing all my vlan routing on hardware.  Currently Arista just hands off traffic to the switch on vlan 1/switch IP and it routes it accordingly.

I understand this is overlapping a bit on the PVE side, but I'm hoping someone could offer some comments from either or both sides of the house.
ah, thank you both for the clarification. 
How you are describing the scenario makes a lot more sense now.  Arista is setup exactly the way you are referring.  I think I was getting confused when looking at setting up routes for OPN, whatever articles I came upon either didn't make sense or were talking about an entirely different scenario.
When setting up the Arista/Untangle appliance I didn't want it managing the vlans.  the Cisco switch is plenty fine for that. 

Yeah it is
General Discussion / OPN vs arista connection to switch
February 13, 2025, 10:22:39 PM
I'm beginning my venture into the process of moving from Arista to OPN.  Already pulled down OPN and installed it in PVE to get a feel for it.  Aim is to have OPN installed on a Protecli unit that untangle is on now.  But one of the things I am having a hard time understanding is the difference in how the int/port needs to be configured between the OPN machine and my Cisco switch.
With Arista, the switchport is just sitting on vlan 1, access port, no other config on it. It's routing traffic to 5 different vlans just fine.
From what I've seen in OPN, to take over the same traffic routing does the switchport need to be converted over to a trunk? so all the vlans under the main (i.e.) vtnet1 can talk?