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Messages - triotech

Hi All,

I am new to OPN, coming from other FW.

One of the things I am trying to understand is the following:

A) I have installed OPN, 4 interfaces, nothing fancy, WAN, LAN, LAN1, WIFI, so far all ok, I have not changed any default option, yet.
B) Under Firewall -> Rules for each interface I find almost 15 rules created automatically by the system.

C) I have the need to add or change some rules on each interface, but this is what I find:

C1) The automatically generated rules cannot be edited
C2) If add a rule it cannot be moved UP, I mean before the system ones

D) As much as I have search on the documentation and the forum I can't find an explanation on how this should work

E) I read about the OPTION  Anti Lock Out. But is this the option that "tell" the system to genarate the automatic rules ?

F) If I disable the AntiLock Out option do I loose the automatically generated rules ? Do they get removed ? Would I be locked out of the system ?

G) How  do I edit the auto generated system rules and change the order of my rules in respect to the system ones ?

Thank you for your help,