Thanks to everyone who took their time and helped me figure this out.
Whenever I do a reinstall/reset I go through and copy down all settings I changed/added to make sure I have them, just in case the backup fails for some reason (I've had a backup fail before). In doing so I found the error in section "Firewall: Automation: Source NAT" "PLEX" "Interface" set to LAN instead of WAN. I'm not sure when or how that happened.
The one benefit to all of this is I am now just a little more familiar with OPNsense than I was with my firebox T20 firewall.
Thanks to everyone who took their time and helped me figure this out.
Whenever I do a reinstall/reset I go through and copy down all settings I changed/added to make sure I have them, just in case the backup fails for some reason (I've had a backup fail before). In doing so I found the error in section "Firewall: Automation: Source NAT" "PLEX" "Interface" set to LAN instead of WAN. I'm not sure when or how that happened.
The one benefit to all of this is I am now just a little more familiar with OPNsense than I was with my firebox T20 firewall.